
Agate is a stand-alone Java server application that requires MongoDB as database engine.


Server Hardware Requirements

Component Requirement
CPU Recent server-grade or high-end consumer-grade processor
Disk space 8GB or more.
Memory (RAM) Minimum: 4GB, Recommended: >4GB

Server Software Requirements

Software Suggested version Download link Usage
Java >= 1.8.x Java Oracle downloads Java runtime environment
MongoDB >= 2.4.x MongoDB downloads Database engine

While Java is required by Agate server application, MongoDB can be installed on another server.


Agate is distributed as a Debian/RPM package and as a zip file. The resulting installation has default configuration that makes Agate ready to be used (as soon as a MongoDB server is available). Once installation is done, see Configuration instructions.

Debian Package Installation

Agate is available as a Debian package from OBiBa Debian repository. To proceed installation, do as follows:

  • Install Debian package. Follow the instructions in the repository main page for installing Agate.
  • Manage Agate Service: after package installation, Agate server is running: see how to manage the Service.

RPM Package Installation

Agate is available as a RPM package from OBiBa RPM repository. To proceed installation, do as follows:

  • Install RPM package. Follow the instructions in the RPM repository main page for installing Agate.
  • Manage Agate Service: after package installation, Agate is running: see how to manage the Service.

Zip Distribution Installation

Agate is also available as a Zip file. To install Agate zip distribution, proceed as follows:

  • Download Agate distribution
  • Unzip the Agate distribution. Note that the zip file contains a root directory named agate-x.y.z-dist (where x, y and z are the major, minor and micro releases, respectively). You can copy it wherever you want. You can also rename it.
  • Create an AGATE_HOME environment variable
  • Separate Agate home from Agate distribution directories (recommended). This will facilitate subsequent upgrades.

Set-up example for Linux:

mkdir agate-home
cp -r agate-x-dist/conf agate-home
export AGATE_HOME=`pwd`/agate-home

Launch Agate. This step will create/update the database schema for Agate and will start Agate: see Regular Command.

For the administrator accounts, the credentials are “administrator” as username and “password” as password. See User Directories Configuration to change it.

Docker Image Installation

OBiBa is an early adopter of the Docker technology, providing its own images from the Docker Hub repository.

A typical docker-compose file (including a MongoDB database) would be:

version: '3'
        image: obiba/agate
                - "8844:8444"
                - "8881:8081"
                - mongo
                - AGATE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD=password
                - MONGO_HOST=mongo
                - MONGO_PORT=27017
                - RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=6Lfo7gYTAAAAAOyl8_MHuH-AVBzRDtpIuJrjL3Pb
                - RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=6Lfo7gYTAAAAADym-vSDvPBeBCXaxIprA0QXLk_b
                - /tmp/agate:/srv

Then environment variables that are exposed by this image are:

Environment Variable Description
AGATE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD Agate administrator password, required and set at first start.
MONGO_HOST MongoDB server host (optional).
MONGO_PORT MongoDB server port, default is 27017.


The upgrade procedures are handled by the application itself.

Debian Package Upgrade

If you installed Agate via the Debian package, you may update it using the command:

apt-get install agate

RPM Package Upgrade

If you installed Agate via the RPM package, you may update it using the command:

yum install agate

Zip Distribution Upgrade

Follow the Installation of Agate Zip distribution above but make sure you don’t overwrite your agate-home directory.


Server launch


When Agate is installed through a Debian/RPM package, Agate server can be managed as a service.

Options for the Java Virtual Machine can be modified if Agate service needs more memory. To do this, modify the value of the environment variable JAVA_ARGS in the file /etc/default/agate.

Main actions on Agate service are: start, stop, status, restart. For more information about available actions on Agate service, type:

service agate help

The Agate service log files are located in /var/log/agate directory.


The Agate server can be launched from the command line. The environment variable AGATE_HOME needs to be setup before launching Agate manually.

Environment variable Required Description
AGATE_HOME yes Path to the Agate “home” directory.
JAVA_OPTS no Options for the Java Virtual Machine. For example: -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

To change the defaults update: bin/agate or bin/agate.bat

Make sure Command Environment is setup and execute the command line (bin directory is in your execution PATH)):


Executing this command upgrades the Agate server and then launches it.

The Agate server log files are located in AGATE_HOME/logs directory. If the logs directory does not exist, it will be created by Agate.


To access Agate with a web browser the following urls may be used (port numbers may be different depending on HTTP Server Configuration):


If you encounter an issue during the installation and you can’t resolve it, please report it in our Agate Issue Tracker.

Agate logs can be found in /var/log/agate. If the installation fails, always refer to this log when reporting an error.