Python Introduction

Agate Python client, a command line scripting tool written in Python, enables automation of tasks in a Agate server.


Python 3.7+ must be installed on the system. See more about Python.


The Agate Python Client is available on the official Python Package Index.

sudo pip install obiba-agate


Previous versions were available as system packages. Make sure to remove them before installing the package with pip.

# on Debian systems
sudo apt-get remove agate-python-client

# on RPM systems
sudo yum remove agate-python-client


This python package depends on the pycurl package which has some system dependencies. One simple solution is to install the pycurl system package before.

# on Debian systems
sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl

# on RPM systems
sudo yum install python3-pycurl


To get the options of the command line:

agate --help

This command will display which sub-commands are available. Further, given a subcommand obtained from command above, its help message can be displayed via:

agate <subcommand> --help

This command will display available subcommands.